uberlyftishumantrafficking.me uberlyftishumantrafficking.me uberlyftishumantrafficking.me uberlyftishumantrafficking.me Sending a blank labor request with purposely degraded information that requires free labor(a modern day slave) or pays an illegal wage after costs to 10 people knowing 1 out of 10 of them will be ignorant or desperate enough to accept it is not innovation or technology. It's brogrammed labor law violations, wage theft, and human(labor) trafficking. Everyone involved in these companies will end up in prison or will go the way or enron madoff, don't say I didn't warn you. They-re so bold and have bribed so many people, it's on the receipts .60 a mile .09 a minute has been for almost half a decade. Do the math. Labor Can't agree or choose to work for illegal wages. There's something called the 13th amendment, article 23 of international human rights, & basic contract laws where "indenpendent contractors" or any human for that matter has the right to know the details of their contract, especially when 90%+ pay illegal wages or require free labor. Labor trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Labor trafficking in the United States is a form of human trafficking where victims are made to perform a task through force, fraud or coercion as it occurs in the United States. $2 per mile .30 per minute $10 Minimum 90+% must go to labor transparent receipts NATIONWIDE MINIMUM REGULATED RATES equals MINIMUM WAGE Uber Lyft pay .60 per mile .10 per minute GROSS rates from the 1960s-70s sillyCON valley criminals brogramming apps & algos to mimic whips and chains. Modern Day Slavery 2.0 heres a taco slave deliver me or my taco 1 - 10 miles. FRAUD = FORCE under the LAW. Labor trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Labor trafficking in the United States is a form of human trafficking where victims are made to perform a task through force, fraud or coercion as it occurs in the United States. sillyCON valley is a lie they're nothing but modern day slavers, human traffickers that exploit outsourced & local labor, gentrify neighborhoods, steal from real communities, lie, steal, committ fraud, stalk you, engage in organized crime.... A block chained powered algorithm with machine learning used A.I. to duplicate hundreds of billions "worth" of sillyCon valley "tech" Just kidding it took some google APIs and a week. The code can be easily duplicated & viewed. 100% of drivers would prefer all the info sent by free.taxicab.tech than the nonsense uber lyft sends as a ride request. It provides more information and is transparent. It does'st purposefully degrade maps, hide contract details, install games & manipulations to trick math flunkies and desperate into providing free labor or deFRAUD labor. There are no fake "ghost" cars to psychologically manipulate drivers and riders. It doesn't gouge riders based on zip codes, previous payments, battery life left, weather.... the internet is supposed to make the middle man obsolete EAT the middleman free.taxicab.tech look ma I pivoted to the billion dollar weed share business lets disrupt and save the world weedshare.tech roomservice.guru dispensary delivery in all 50 states Dispatch yourself 10 minimum fares per day $100 Gross Keep 90+% of customer payment $2 per mile .30 per minute USA The average Uber lyft ride or delivery pays $3-4 GROSS in 2021 These criminal cowards at uber lyft door dash grub hub instacart postmates shipt... would never look you in the eye and offer you $3 or less per hour & ask you to deliver them or a taco 1-10+ miles in real time. So they use an app instead of a gun to rob you of a minimum of $4+ EVERY request 9 out of 10 requests are an attempt by neuro scientists, game develepors, criminal executives & brogrammers to deFRAUD labor into working for free or illegal wages. They degrade the map and hide contract details to deFRAUD labor. at 1960-70s wages if the ride did not go 15+ miles labor lost money or earned less than $3 per hour after costs. They threaten and punish labor for refusing to work for free or illegal wages. They pay labor with worthless useless points 96+% of drivers don't last long enough to qualify for, stars, badges, starbucks, bogo coupons, subway snack coupons, "bonuses" from money they steal from you. This is not a lie lmao. This is calculated wage theft. they offer zero human support. Any driver who drives longer than a week who can do 3rd grade math can verify this. Labor Can't choose or agree to work for free or illegal wages. ILLEGAL TERMS IN CONTRACTS ARE UM ILLEGAL. Everyone envolved in these new ponzi scams belongs in a prison cell for life. If I claimed "losses" on my "business" but cashed out 3+ billion in stock options, purchased a 100+ million dollar home, a 34+ million dollar condo, a 70+ million dollar home, received a 200+ million dollar sigining bonuses, got a 50+ million dollar salary all while my "company" was "burning/losing" 1+ million dollars PER HOUR... I would be in handcuffs by noon for tax evasion and money laundering while all my assets were seized. enron & madoff would be proud of this ponzi scam 1 BILLON + rides 250+ million HOURS of human labor went to 3 people at uber 2 CEOs & 1 cofounder. Taco Corp uber (lyft 12.5M riders 11/11/20 22M 2019) lost almost 50% of riders after the covid shut downs. Can't prove they are lying but my apps still been on 8+ hours a day & it's gotta be more. 4+ million rides per day pre pandemic less than 1 million rides per day after. 3+ million riders per day available once bonifre of the masks vacinne day is celebrated like when prohibition was lifted or wwii was won. Uber Lyft lied about getting drivers PPE this is FRAUD. Labor trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Labor trafficking in the United States is a form of human trafficking where victims are made to perform a task through force, fraud or coercion as it occurs in the United States. FRAUD = force under the LAW. uber lyft owe every driver a minimum of $4 for every ride they've given on the platform uber lyft reparations for HUMAN TRAFFICKING Labor millions of times per day for half a decade. no one willingly chooses or can agree to work for $3 an hour or free. uber lyft pay .60 per mile .10 per minute uber lyft take 50-90% of customer payment if rider paid $8.80 uber got $4.40 driver gets $4 Gross uber now takes up to 90% of surge fares they charge a rider an extra $100 offer driver extra $9 as a "bonus" and don't notify either party of this lol uber lyft both hide details and edit receipts lmao I have evidence to verify. 1000+ uber eates requests sent and screenshotted IGNORNED 100% of them as only ONE 1 would of netted me minimum wage all $3-6 GROSS. (Eats actually shows details on requests) ignore or cancel 90+% of rides since 2015, 15,000+ human trafficking attempts ignored, human trafficked 200+ times by uber lyft. WITH evidence and receipts to prove. Eventually someones accepts the $3 an hour request brilliant I tell ya how innovative. it's on billions of receipts by now this was a legal taxi cab rate in 1974 NYC they are bribing everyone and no one cares btw taxation without representation is tyranny ............................................................................ all the algo does is send out a $3 an hour request, it'll get ignored and passed around till the dumbest most desperate labor available accepts the 1 taco gross per hour, that driver will risk their life and earn $4 per hour. By design the driver fails 96% of the time most don't get to 100 rides. this is not innovation its labor(HUMAN) trafficking [img]https://i.imgur.com/H4IQHvB.jpg[/img] why wont any blogger playing journalist publish an article with historical cab rates next to uber lyft and these criminal gig apps that are violating labor laws and HUMAN TRAFFICKING AMERICAN LABOR? Now mostly seniors and immigrants over 70% of the current driver pool cuz ding ding ding heavily discriminated in the job market & willing to work for $3 an hour cuz it beats zero alex. why won't any blogger playin journalist post driver receipts? They clearly show .60 per mile .10 per minute 19760s-70s taxi cab rates. They clearly show uber lyft take 50-90% of most fares. Rider pays $8.80 Driver gets $4 GROSS Uber gets $4.40 Now I've been out of school quite some time but I'm pretty sure thats over 50% Drivers (LABOR) do have costs so it's more like $1-2 NET on pretty much all rides that go less than 15 miles. Such a sophisticated algo it will send request out and be ignored by any intelligent non desperate human who cans do math til it bounces around and finds the immigrant used to making $3 a day in their homelands with bald tires, faulty brakes, fake inspection forms neither "company" verifies or the senior citizen whos only option is saying "welcome to walmart" at covid central on a fixed income who needs the $3 an hour for their meds or to avoid becoming homeless. I can verify the apps stolen from me dozens of times with receipts to prove is it worth the time to email Filipino bots who copy & paste fraud or ignore. Nope it's just brogrammed crime times that by millions of drivers stealing a few pennies to a few dollars per ride adds up pays for 25 million dollar vegas parties and other money laundering schemes. I've given 5000 rides on both platforms over 5 years still active on both. 4500 of those rides are the same destination lmao as it's literally the only ride that pays a legal wage and its a 30+ mile ride. another 300 paid a legal wage. and 200 paid me an illegal wage. I CANT agree nor would I choose to accept those rides. But to avoid being assaulted by riders or fired by apps drivers complete them. this is COERCION. I was HUMAN TRAFFICKED at least 200+ times by uber lyft in 5+ years. I have to IGNORE or CANCEL 90+% of requests pre pandemic now it's 99% attempts to HUMAN TRAFFIC ME. Desperate, ignorants, seniors, immigrants CAN'T ignore I am blessed to have the option. THEY HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS TOO. I've also ignored over 20,000 TWENTY THOUSAND ride requests the vast majority screenshotted and can be verified. Now again I've been out of school some time but basically uber lyft has attempted to HUMAN TRAFFIC me 15,000+ fifteen THOUSAND times. I calculate they have stolen approx $20,000 from me in illegal wages. That's just me. bloggers have no clue the "customers" left after covid lmao they continue to just post whatever uber lyft PR sends them. Airlines were down 90+% STILL down in Nov 2020 70+% Most people still working from home so no work commuters Bar restrictions, event restrictions, only walmart, amazon, mcdonalds are allowed to operate. 10PM curfews..... Business travelers not on the service anymore they actually own a car. If I turn on app 9 out of 10 requests are literally junkies, prostitutes, and walmart/health care workers who make minimum wage but somehow think they can afford a chauffeur to their $10-$20 an hour a job. 9 out of 10 requests will attempt to deFRAUD me into working for free or illegal wages by hiding details. Lot's of requests are banned users using fake names as uber lyft doesn't verify rider accounts. They will send the same request now for up to an hour there are so few drivers, requests will come from 20 minutes away. uber lyft doesn't pay to pick up so a 10 minute request is basically forcing labor to provide 10 minutes of FREE labor JUST to get the details of the contract. If upon arrival driver starts trip and finds out contract pays $3 an hour, uber lyft will threaten or punish driver for cancelling so most provide the free labor or work for illegal wages to avoid punishments and deactivation. THIS IS DURESS. lol the same rider will get ignored or cancelled on multiple times, don't these people have friends with cars geez Do they not get the hint. No cash tip driver 1 stars you so its harder to get a ride from smart drivers. So riders most by now are on their 5th + burner account with fake names. Rider can just email "support" driver was drunk, high, racist, paist, 1 star, with ZERO evidence or proof and driver gets fired instantly no warning, no evidence, no due process & riders gets next ride free. That hasn't been abused a million times lmao. Labor has the right to due process and face their accuser befire being fired. App will not notify drivers it just shuts of access no due process, no evidence, no human support available. Dozens of south american drivers MURDERED due to no rider screening and predatory business. Dozens of americans suicided themselves. hundreds of thousands lives ruined as their basic minimum wage job now pays 1970s wages. How many women raped, drivers robbed, accidents from non verified vehicles, hundreds of thousands because its to much "friction" to screen riders who by now all use fake accounts? None of this is rocket science. Cabs were regulated for a reason, it doesn't need props, votes, 200+ million in marketing, new laws... It needs ONE 1 NON CORRUPT NON EVIL NON BRIBE ACCEPTING HUMAN AT THE FBI OR LABOR DEPARTMENT TO DO THEIR JOB. Regulate them like the cab companies they ARE. Set a MINIMUM PER RIDE, PER MINUTE, PER MILE amount drivers must receive 100% of. Set a cap of drivers so there's not 80,000 drivers on every corner. Set a cap on the amount "companies" can take from customer payment so the app and criminals aren't making double or triple more than the driver performing all the labor and the risk. DONE. It's so obvious this is the greatest fraud in human history it's a joke. Every single person involved with these "companies" belongs in a prison cell for life. No one gives a single shit I CANNOT OR WOULD NEVER AGREE TO WORK FOR FUCKING $3 an hour or give some stranger a ride in my property for $4 NEVER. I WOULDN'T DO IT IN HIGH SCHOOL AT 16. NO DRIVER CHOOSES THAT. Why do cab drivers which IS an entry level job have to compete with neuro scientists, game developers, algorithms? NONE of that is needed for a simple business its all to deFRAUD labor which IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING. I've reported it for years and have evidence NO AGENCY cares and they are ALL COMPLICIT.. uberlyftishumantrafficking.me so I duplicated their "tech" "worth" billions and made free for anyone to use real time email dispatch free.taxicab.tech blackowneduber.com they said build my own and I did uber lyft "tech" is basically a couple google maps apis. My site is easily duplicated, requires no accounts or personal info, and just works for FREE uber lyft is just crime and labor law violations brogrammed into an app But if you have 2 subways right next to eachother one selling footlongs for $5 that pays labor a legal wages and the other sells em for 2 and pays illegal wages and burns a million per HOUR for half a decade..... apparently the people CHOOSE the $2 footlongs and it's fuck labor laws. PREDATORY PRICES PREDATORY ILLEGAL WAGES No drivers care about independent contractor employee propaganda that these payola bloggers flood the internet with. drivers are NOT entitled to anything but a MINIMUM LEGAL WAGE IN 2021. Uber Lyft pay $3 per hour on average 96% of drivers dont last a year or 100 rides. It's calculated for them to fail. brogrammed crime a slot machine and scratch of lotto ticket gambling games and manipulations not a job it;s 9 of these ride requests are whammies, human loss leader you work for free or illegal wages, we will hide and trick you with the greatest college minds, if you obey we might send ya a trip 1 outta 10 trips that pays a legal wage that fills your gas tank up and allows you to keep playing tomorrow. Uber Lyft is ORGANIZED CRIME Uber Lyft blatantly violate RICO acts If anyone cared all their assets could be seized in a day. 100 million dollar mansion. 34 million dollar condo another 100 million dollar mansion 200 million dollar signing bonus 50 million dollar salaries 200+ million bribing california voters 3+ Billion cashed out stock options 1+ billion in fines for violating the law in numerous jurisdictions 1+ billion rides, 250+ million hours of labor went to 2 cofounders and current ceo 3 PEOPLE how many of those 15,000+ "employees" left after they fired 15,000 are even real? I bet any investigation will show 5000+ no shows just like the mafia because there are no humans EVERY YEAR since 2016 uber lyft CUT pay 20% weeks after christmas and increased their cut from 20% to now 50-90% bloggers still report it at 30% for some reason hasn't been that since 2016 try calling support. I have hours of audio from those non speaking non support offering frauds. It's pure comedy definitely not support. try getting a human appointment. last 30 days I set an appointment EVERDAY. not 1 human called guess they used it as break time. uber lyft LIED about PPE when companies lie it's FRAUD just so you know I am a 1% at uber I actually make $50+ per ride it's a very unique situation and I'll use them to make that just like I'm pretty much forced to patronize walmart and amazon. Necessary evil I'm not stupid its $50 an hour I figured their ponzi out 5 years ago about 5 rides in, but 90% of the rides average less than $4 an hour. I still want these criminals shut down and thrown in prison. Don't insult me like I can't do math or figure out I'm part of a human trafficking operation just because I wanted to learn a new city and use my vehicle to make extra money. Again I have a phone that can be forensically verified on both platforms for %= years 5,000+ rides. I know how to games their worthless algos and manipulations, lies, tricks. TLDR IF I TURN ON MY APP TODAY NOV 2020 9 out of 10 uber lyft grub hub postmates instacart doordash requests... WILL attempt to deFRAUD me into working for free or illegal wages I CANNOT by law agree or choose to accept. Labor trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which individuals perform labor or services through the use of force, fraud, or coercion. Labor trafficking in the United States is a form of human trafficking where victims are made to perform a task through force, fraud or coercion as it occurs in the United States help.uberlyftishumantrafficking.me AND MILLIONS of others who only want EVERY request to pay a legal minimum wage meaning $8-10 PER REQUEST GROSS not $3-$4 TRANSPARENT RECEIPTS & RIDE REQUESTS LEGAL WAGES NO MORE GAMES & TRICKS. LABOR & WORK ISN'T a GAME. any human reading this please help and forward to a non evil human that can do something. It's 2021 Not 1971 uber lyft pay the equivalent of $3 an hour a 1971 wage and 96% of people DO find something else to do california, texas, and new york are really only states that have the populations to support their churn. Most states are running out of people to trick. Pre Pandemic was 3-7 airport rides per day nov 2020 its 1-3 airport rides per week I've left both apps on for 5+ years and document the requests I know more than these so called bloggers who lick sillyCON valley taint for access and post their LIES & FRAUD. Everything I posted is a verifiable FACT I am a 5 star driver with 5000+ rides XL experience only a complete math flunkie would accept x rides. I'd say now that airport is non existent 90+% of x rides are illegal requests to human traffic labor on XL or higher tiers its maybe 50% human trafficking attempts. Please insult me and tell me I can't figure out when I'm being stolen from and robbed by an app instead of a gun. door dash 11/14/2020 2700 employees avg 150K = 405 million in salaries, 135 million in losses last quarter. already paying illegal wages STEALING a minimum $4 per order from labor(drivers) need 270+ Million more per quarter just to pay salaries and still wont make a dollar profit ponzi ponzi ponzi lmao these are mafia no show jobs money laundering these parasites arent producing anything they turn a 10% finders fee into 50-90%, steal a minimum $4 per ride/delivery in the form of wage theft / illegal wages, AND still CAN'T profit pay HUMAN ADULTS 1970s wages $3-4 gross to deliver 1-500 pounds 1-10 miles in real time lmao. suuuure that's the ticket sell a service at a loss and make it up in volume people love $5 footlongs for $2 who knew? how innovative and disruptive HUMAN TRAFFICKING is oh my. (ILLEGAL PREDATORY EVIL PARASITIC) [img]https://i.imgur.com/H4IQHvB.jpg[/img] NO HUMANS IN AMERICA IN 2021 CAN CHOOSE OR AGREE TO WORK FOR FREE OR ILLEGAL WAGES. ONLY A EVIL CRIMINAL PARASITE WOULD LOOK A HUMAN IN THE EYE FACE TO FACE AND OFFER $1-2 NET TO DELIVER THEM OR A TACO 5-10 MILES SO THEY USE AN APP LIKE COWARDS. IT'S 100% ILLEGAL AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING If you feel it's hyperbole but call it ride "sharing" or think they just "tech" companies. KILL YOURSELF you are not part of humanity you are COMPLICIT you can not claim ignorance this post is 100% FACTS The story is how uber lyft get away with paying $4ish an hour in broad daylight when it would takes 1 human accepting rides, completing them for a day and using 3rd grade math skills? STOP calling it ride"share". That's a FRAUDULENT term used to vilaote labor laws. It's rides for HIRE a taxi cab company always was always will be. LABOR, HUMANS, DRIVERS... CANNOT AGREE OR CHOOSE TO WORK FOR FREE OR ILLEGAL WAGES. EVERY CONTRACT WITH SUCH TERMS IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING. stats 5000 Rides both platforms 5 years XL Vehicle 23mpg Fill Tank up 1/2 mile from home, complete 80 mile round trip avg speed 70mph, 120 total minutes Fill tank up when back home. $8 $10,000 in repairs in 5 years / 5,000 rides approx $2 in costs future maintenance per ride. $10 per hour operating costs for a fully depreciated blue book value less than $3,000 4500 of those 5000 rides same trip. If my costs are high at $8-10 an hour at the very least minimum costs per hour are $6-8. $3-4 per 30 minutes. $4-$3= $1 NET per 30 minutes on 90+% of requests. That's what these HUMAN TRAFFICKERS named uber lyft ... "pay" labor in 2021. $1.84 per mile in 2016 XL rate (1st of the four plus 20+% pay cuts they had the audacicty to call "opportunities to earn more") $1.10 2021 XL rate - over half these rides are HUMAN TRAFFICKING $1.10 x rate 2015 .60 2021 - 90+% of these rides are HUMAN TRAFFICKING $3-6 per hour GROSS is HUMAN TRAFFICKING in 2021 Uber Lyft does not recognize maintenance costs, fuel costs, depreciation costs, dead miles lmao I assure you they DO exist for labor. It's not a few pennies or dimes off it's $4 MINIMUM PER RIDE being stolen from labor in the form of ILLEGAL WAGES. edit for grammar , duplications, readability no need for fact check uberlyftishumantrafficking.me feel free to put in the kings proper english uberlyftishumantrafficking.me uberlyftishumantrafficking.me uberlyftishumantrafficking.me uberlyftishumantrafficking.me uberlyftishumantrafficking.me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cheat sheet cliff notes from super pumped Uber book released Sep. 2019 shows how evil, hypocritical, liars, in the siliCON valley VC crowd & at Uber operate above the law ubercab was switched to Uber because lawyers told Travis k it would lead to less false advertising lawsuits Travis k spent 25 million on the Vegas Uber party with Beyonce, she was paid with 5000 shares now “worth” over 20 million, employees were fired for hiring prostitutes that stole their laptops with important data(not for hiring them) while passed out & others were fired for stealing a shuttle bus while high on cocaine and driving it around town. pink mustache for Lyft was inspired by truck nuts when Lyft was getting popular when Uber was still black service, Travis k would snitch to regulators about them operating illegally Travis k would troll Lyft founder on twitter and use #clone Mark Cuban gave Travis k 1.8 million a few weeks before he was about to go under Travis K sold red swoosh for 20 million a few weeks before going under cleared about 2 million Travis K hated VCs with a passion quoting snoop Vcs ain't nothing but h o e s & tr i cks for his first experience with them during his scour.net napster clone company idea for Uber came from casino royale scene where arrow on phone screen showed gps, & because garret could never get a cab in san Fran, he was black listed because he would call every cab company take the first to show up because they never would would give each city gm power to market and Paris was “get rides from hot chicks” basically grew company by spamming craigslist giving drivers free iphones & riders free rides everyone knows about greyball idolized bezos more lobbyists than Amazon Microsoft Wal-Mart Google combined Travis k thought once a rider used service 2.7 times he had a customer for life deblasios Uber app showed cars with hours long waits, when mayor wanted to cap drivers, the app for riders when pressed gave a link to contact mayor’s office to complain then returned to real app that showed real wait times when banned in St Louis gm staged drivers with fake boxes marked “1000 petitions” and had cameras follow them to transportation board made speech in front of stacked boxes, when cameras cut off & they left, someone looked in boxes that were filled with blank papers & 6 packs Travis k had spies throughout valley found Lyft was launching a pool serviced, immediately cloned all the features & released hours before Lyft Mark Zuckerberg called Travis k to give a heads up about sidecar & zimride 2 apps Facebook employees loved, 1 turned into Lyft when Uber was still black car service, Travis k cloned it and released x ed norton one of my favorite actors became good friends with Travis k & investor was first rider when la market launched : ( Travis k paid journalists millions of dollars to write positive stories & to do research on detractors spying on their personal lives many of them women to write bad stories if they found dirt an international "slut shaming squad" Uber office employees were called f a g .t t s, had coffee mugs thrown at them, some crying in various offices algorithm for hiring was designed so single employees were paid less to save money everyone knows the safe ride fee was just going straight to Uber 100% pure margin hundreds of millions of dollars for years never earmarked for safety 2015 spent 2 billion in burn for incentives, free rides, & bonuses to "train" riders & drivers once a cognitive neuro scientist was hired that figured out once they took them away everyone would still use it everyone knows Travis k despised tipping fought hard to keep app "frictionless" Uber engineer department made up of hundreds of hackers burning 50 million per week in china on free rides, bonuses, and incentives wrote letter to investors stating growth there was 400 times faster than ny, half the data was faked 20% of Uber rides went to fraud & scam riders a 50 person fraud team was started in ny, a drug & prostitution ring was rampant, (still are it’s pretty much entire 3rd shift minus drunks going to get drunk) they followed the ring for months teamed with nypd and in stings would relay info to police to pull over driver & arrested everyone involved stolen credit cards were stealing least 2 billion in free rides just in china delivering drugs, & prostitutes, hundreds of millions in u.s.a adding friction slowed growth Travis k didn't want to verify rider accounts(yet scooters need photo I.D. to verify) and kept allowing scammers to use apps like burner for fake numbers & only requiring email and credit card number fraud team would just watch scammers take trips, some with custom circuit boards with multiple sims that drivers would drive around with, each sim was a fake passenger set up with stolen credit cards in India a corpse of a driver who committed suicide after rates slashed was dumped at Uber headquarters front door, another driver dosed himself in gas and threatened to light himself on fire Uber security tackled him before he could, but after that dozens more succeeded committing suicide by lighting themselves on fire everyone knows about the Indian woman raped, it shut down all ride sharing for 6 weeks, Uber drivers were getting beat up in the street by taxi drivers Travis k spent 40 million on an office for 200 people, each chair was different because he liked different chairs in san Fran office spent millions on a stair case with black granite and glass cutting thru 2 concrete ceilings millions on a Santa Monica office spent months keeping a database of iphone imei numbers, after ios update they couldn't anymore they found a company inoff inc that could fingerprints phones and inserted the code into the app violating apples privacy policy heaven or god view is pretty much known ubers data permissions were hidden for android spying on peoples phones hackernews picked up story found the secret fingerprinting violation & code from inoff in nov 2014 apple denied Uber app from updating apple would always catch Uber trying to sneak backdoor updates into app and deny them each denial they wouldn't tell them why because it was so rampant they didn't want to tip their hat what they found Uber geo fenced apple in Cupertino so it wouldn't run the unauthorized code to get updates thru, but apple found them out Tim Cook gave Travis k ultimatum if they try it again they’d be banned from iphones & app store Mexican cartels would use fraud accounts to call drivers, burn, steal their cars, murder some, passengers were robbed, stabbed, 16 drivers in brazil were murdered this way, Travis k still didn't want the friction of verifying rider accounts Travis k wanted to buy Lyft, Lyft wanted 10% of Uber included, Travis k wanted 8% apparently they couldn't agree on 9 so Travis k wanted to humiliate them and make them run out of money Uber designed app so drivers microphone would pick up the sound of Lyfts ping sound, Travis k approved it said he “didn't want any calls from the FTC though” most know about the tracking people after the ride ending, Uber kept feature live for years before shutting it down Travis k & company knew drivers hated driving for Uber, when pool was released they sent out survey one manager was so disgusted with the grammatical & spelling errors ; ) and driver complaints he said he couldn't believe "that each of their votes count the same as ours" 25% of drivers churned out every 3 months 96% churn out every year over 80% of drivers don’t get to 100 rides most know about "he ll software" they signed up fake Lyft accounts to track drivers who drove for both and would use data to change prices so Uber drivers would ignore Lyfts Uber would scrape lyfts app to undercut them on pricing at a roaring 20s themed party in 2014 a Uber manager showed up with a pony on a leash, was accused of groping a female employee said he couldn't of cuz he had a drink in one hand & the leash in the other Leo DiCaprio became friends & invested with Travis k $5000 investments by celebrities turned into 20 million dollar returns Travis k courted Oprah to be on board couldn’t get her so turned to jay z who wired too much money Travis k wired some of it back said they had too many investments " t i t s on Travis" was the code for all the strip club meetings expensed cocaine & boozing was regular at these things at Malaysian office sex workers were regularly called into office 1 female employee thought she was being followed & was going to be raped when going home, the manager texted her it’s ok Uber has great health insurance one female employee refused to do cocaine, a manager grabbed her causing bruises and shoved her head into cocaine forcing her to snort it bosses regularly slept with subordinates Uber was worried about ny airport strikes (that’s where you do em ; ) so Uber turned off surge to JFK that strike was causing it cost Uber millions #deleteuber went viral Uber had to hire new engineer to handle deleting of accounts as there was no system to handle the flood of requests 500,000 people deleted account 1st week they couldn't count how many just deleted app which doesn't delete account this saved Lyft as it was running out of money Travis k was about to speak at Whitehouse had to call Trump 1 hour before to step down from advisory board everyone knows about the fowler blog "my very strange first year at Uber" post, 85% of engineers were male on her 1st day her manager propositioned her via companies u chat system, she contacted HR & they did nothing, she could change teams guaranteeing a bad review from him or switch teams everyone knows about the xchange leasing program which was basically subprime car loans for people with bad or no credit, safety complaints for accidents, rapes, assaults spiked, they lost $9000 per vehicle Travis k nickname for Uber in a GQ interview was “boober” for all the women it got him Travis k got a bulk discount for male managers on leather coats buying 120 of them wouldn't buy any for the 6 women because he didn't get a discount "greyball" dramatically reduced amount of impounds they were paying for they said the city was violating the terms of service requesting drivers to justify it "models" were flown in for parties at a event in Korea they had numbers pinned to their skirts that Uber managers could pick a number & that girl would go into a room to “sing karaoke”, the female employees were uncomfortable & left while some of the models went home with Uber managers at the end of the night when opening green light hubs in other countries they did in residential areas, so much traffic caused complaints police came to shut them down, Uber managers paid cash bribes every time they showed up holder report was hundreds of pages long 1 board member wanted to "vomit" after reading it, it was never supposed to be seen outside of the company board members begged those who read it not to speak to the press after Travis k sent letter he would step down, he really didn't until every board member threatened to send a letter to the new york times stating they all wanted him out board members compared Travis k to the alien black goo in the movie life that escaped from a box & killed everyone on board then headed to earth to do the same & said we can’t let him out of the box or hell destroy everything board members were so paranoid of Travis ks spying they had code names for him when traveling in Ubers & talking about him Travis k said he’d take Ubers valuation to zero before he'd step down Uber operated without a CFO for 2+ years by design Travis k after carrying a rape victims stolen medical records around "her hymans still intact" like a woman can’t be anally or orally raped. After his resignation he went to Tahiti and partied on the worlds 2nd largest yacht Travis k paid $200,000 of his own money the driver he yelled at in the viral video to not speak about it anymore Travis k continued to keep meddling & contacting employees to send internal emails & provide information to him all 14 members of the elt board threatened to resign if he didn't stop Travis k then leaked meg Whitman was among those in becoming new ceo while currently running HP to sabotage fitting end the family dog got in the way when Travis ks mom was switching with his dad to drive boat causing it to crash & leading to her death, treated labor and people like dogs & a dog took his mother, hopefully he & the rest of his bloodline get cancer in every hole in his 34 million dollar condo and billions stolen from labor. a day after Uber super pumped book released Uber sent survey to drivers saying their building a new financial product which leads to questions that basically asked if they would obtain a loan from Uber LMAO, these criminals are building a loan service to give loans to people they're stealing money from, paying illegal wages, & doing everything in their power to trick, defraud, & replace them with robots. wonder what the interest will be? haha thanks for trying to loan drivers their own money back Uber criminals. Dara K is NO different than Travis K it's gotten worse if that's possible for drivers the 2+ years he's been CEO. Lyft is no different on how it treats labor either. How the people are involved in these gig apps not all in prison? Drivers don’t want to be employees they just don’t want to be treated like one and mislabeled Independent Contractors. Drivers want details of their contracts before accepting trip, $10 GROSS minimum fares, 100% of $1.50 per mile .30 per minute rates like the late 1990s. Uber Lyft currently pay .60 per mile or less, .20 per minute or less, & $2-4 GROSS minimum fares these are 1970s cab rates and don’t cover costs on rides not going 10+ miles, they send 15+ million blank contracts per day that coerce free unpaid labor & fire drivers who cancel those contracts instead of worker for free, so by design 96+ % fail the ponzi. 1 BILLION Uber rides (250+ Million hours of labor) went to 3 people so they can have homes & salaries. Just this year the 2 co-founders spent over 100 million dollars on just 2 personal homes, The current CEO & CFO have 50+ million dollar salaries.